The Color of Money Risk Analysis assesses your financial picture and provides a roadmap to your overall risk preferences. The output will be a proprietary Color of Money Risk Analysis score. This short, interactive analysis is the first step on the road to retirement.

Color of Money Risk 2022

Please complete below. A copy of the risk analysis will be emailed to you.

The Color of Money Risk Analysis assesses your financial picture and provides a roadmap to your overall risk preferences. The output will be a proprietary Color of Money Risk Analysis score. This short, interactive analysis is the first step on the road to retirement.

  1.  My primary financial goal is:
  1. When it comes to investments and financial decisions, I consider myself:
  1. On the road to retirement, I am:
  1.  My attitude toward investing is:
  1. Including all source, my current household income is:
  1. During retirement, I will rely on investment income:
  1. Social Security, a pension and some other forms of retirement cash flow are fairly stable income sources. I consider my retirement income sources to be:
  1. Not including my primary residence, my net worth is:
  1. Historically, inflation averages 2-3 percent per year. Relative to inflation, I would like my investments to:
  1. If I invested $250,000 for five years, I would be most comfortable with the following best and worst case scenario:
  1. if my investment lost 20 percent of its value, I would:

Review your risk analysis scoring summary